Pecan Prairie Solar Project

ConnectGen is developing a large-scale solar project in southwestern Leon County, TX. ConnectGen expects to install approximately 450 megawatts (MW) of solar in the area, enough energy to power over 50,000 homes in Texas.

Connecting Power, Projects & People

Why Leon County, TX?

According to a report by Wood Mackenzie and the Solar Energy Industries Association, at the start of 2020, there were 4,324 megawatts (MW) of solar installed in Texas, enough to power 498,637 homes. Ranked 4th in the nation for installed capacity, Texas is already reaping the benefits of economic growth, with an additional 13,310 MW of capacity anticipated over the next five years. There are 10,261 solar jobs in the Lone Star State, and the industry is expected to grow as more projects come to fruition.

ConnectGen has identified Leon County for solar development primarily because of its proximity to the existing transmission system and favorable site suitability with limited design constraints.

Pecan Prairie Solar Project Area

ConnectGen has leased private pastureland in southwestern Leon County and anticipates commencing construction of its Pecan Prairie Solar Project in 2025 and beginning operations in 2026.

The Pecan Prairie Solar Project will provide benefits to Leon County and local communities through:

Tax Revenue

Millions of dollars in increased revenues for roads, schools, public safety, and other public services to Leon County, the Leon Independent School District and the Normangee Independent School District over the life of the project.

Local Jobs

Hundreds of local construction jobs and revenue to local businesses such as shops, hotels, restaurants, service and construction material suppliers

Community Support

Support of local community organizations through donations and sponsorships

About ConnectGen

Founded in 2018, ConnectGen is a renewable energy company focused on developing best-in-class wind, solar, and energy storage projects that will increase America’s supply of low-cost, domestically produced clean energy.


The ConnectGen team has previously managed and led the development of three utility-scale wind farms across Texas, all of which are currently in operation.


ConnectGen currently is developing two utility-scale solar facilities in Texas while continuing to assess additional opportunities across the state.

ConnectGen’s experienced development team has a track record of successfully identifying, developing, and constructing renewable energy projects. Our previous project successes have been built on a foundation of strong relationships with the landowners and communities hosting the projects. We are committed to working with landowners, neighbors, and all project stakeholders to safely and responsibly design and build projects that bring long-term benefits to the communities.

Connecting Power, Projects & People